Tote bag | Julie Woods

Julie is telling the story of two sisters travelling through her mother's Country towards Docker River, Northern Territory. They stopped at Ilkuwaratjara and cut a wana (digging stick), the punu (wood) was very straight. The little sister was getting homesick, but the big sister said; "No, I am taking you to meet your family". Along the way they were digging for kuka (meat such as Goanna) and Niny (Bilby). They got kuka and they were happy to have a good feed. The 'U' shapes are the sisters. Next to them are their wana or digging stick. The circles represent rock or water holes where water collects after the rains.

These cotton bags fold up to a convenient neat size, fitting into your handbag or glove box making eco friendly plastic bag free shopping that much easier.

34.5 x 41cm

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