Prompt cards | Kindness | The School of Life
In theory, we are all interested in being kind. In practice, a lot gets in the way: tiredness, anger, bitterness. But a lack of kindness lies at the heart of so much of what goes wrong at work, in friendships, and in love.
These Kindness Prompt Cards are designed to bring out our better natures. They present us with a series of thoughts that nurture our sympathy, our powers of compassion, and our appetite for forgiveness. They return us to who we always want to be and deep down already are: kind people.
The School of Life was founded in London in 2008. With branches located worldwide, they are devoted to helping all people think intelligently about central emotional concerns.
60 cards
Box size: 10.5 x 7.5cm
Illustrations by Erin Campbell
To view the full School of Life range click HERE
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