Living Colours | Authors: Silvia Botti & Massimo Caiazzo

Living Colours: Discovering their Language to Understand and Use them in Decorating your Home

The great mystery of colour finally revealed in a book that involves every field of knowledge, from history to science, from art to psychology. Why does the colour catch our attention and fascinate us until seducing us? The answer is easy: because it is mysterious. Speaking of colour means taking note of its enigmatic nature, of the inexplicable process of sublimation that through the centuries has made it ritual, memory, symbol, emotion.  

A practical book on the secret language of colours, the effect they have on the eye and the human mind, and how to know and use them in a meaningful and heartfelt way. This book is a hands-on guide that can help anyone who wants to enhance the atmosphere of their home by combining colours after learning how to pick up on certain details and following some easy rules . Most of the books in the market show only examples of finished projects. In contrast, this one explains in easy-to-understand texts the hidden secrets of colour combinations to achieve the desired results.

21 x 15cm

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