Concertina Postcard Set | Iwantja Arts

This concertina postcard set features 8 artworks created by member artists of Iwantja Arts. It provides a taste of the delightfully diverse artistic output of this important and historic art centre - spanning young emerging artists to some of the most well known and established names in the contemporary First Nations art scene. Buy it for yourself and display it in your space as an art piece or separate the postcards and send them out to friends and loved ones.

Iwantja Arts is an First Nations owned and governed Aboriginal art centre, located in the remote Indulkana Community on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in South Australia. Founded in the early 1980s, Iwantja Arts now supports the artistic careers of its 40+ artist members and is renowned for its innovative and culturally rich projects that celebrate Anangu cultural strength and artistic excellence.

Dimensions: each card 11 x 16cm
Artwork details (L to R):

Kaylene Whiskey, Welcome to Iwantja Arts, 2018, water-based enamel on metal, Museum of Contemporary Art, purchased with funds provided by the MCA Foundation, 2019, image courtesy and ? the artist

Alec Baker and Peter Mungkuri, Ngura (Country), 2020, acrylic and pigment ink on linen, image courtesy the artist and Iwantja Arts, ? the artist

Tiger Yaltangki, Malpa Wiru (Good Friends), 2019, acrylic on linen, image courtesy the artist and Iwantja Arts, ? the artist

Betty Chimney and Raylene Walatinna, Nganampa Ngura (Our Country), 2020, acrylic on linen, image courtesy the artist and Iwantja Arts, ? the artist

Betty Muffler, Ngangkari Ngura (Healing Country), 2020, acrylic on linen, image courtesy the artist and Iwantja Arts, ? the artist

Angkuna Baker, Areyonga, 2020, acrylic on linen, image courtesy the artist and Iwantja Arts, ? the artist

Nellie Coulthard, Tjuntala Ngurangka (Country with Acacia Wattle), 2020, acrylic on linen, image courtesy the artist and Iwantja Arts, ? the artist

Vincent Namatjira, The Royal Tour 1, 2020, acrylic on found book pages, framed, Museum of Contemporary Art, purchased with funds provided by the MCA Foundation and Bernard Shafer, in memory of Anna Boeske-Shafer and Samuel Shafer, 2020, image courtesy and ? the artist

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